Sunday, June 24, 2007

Old boys of summer

Older women on the prowl are cougars so older guys sleeping with younger women would be, what, tomcats? Mountain lions? Bobcats?

Try losers. The NY Times has a terrific piece on older bachelors on the prowl in the Hamptons and the rules they set for themselves about dating and sleeping with the women with whom they share a house. Often times the ladies are in their mid-twenties and thirties and should know better but hey, it's a timeshare by the beach. The men in the article are so pathetic, so clueless that they don't even mention being happy or content. One great quote:

“I’m at the upper range of being able to pull this lifestyle off,” he conceded. He has a nagging sense of overstaying the party, he said. “You’re realizing you’re out there playing beer pong with people and every reference they make is to ‘Napoleon Dynamite.’ We’d be making ‘Caddyshack’ or ‘Animal House’ references.”

One Summer Jerk says he wants to sort this lifestyle out by the time he is 40. Good luck, pal, you better get started and soon. There may be pretty young girls looking to summer in the Hamptons each year, but a great house with a wonderful view won't mask that fact that you're old enough to be their father. Grow up, already. These ladies can smell a loser.